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Tests and exams are integral part of college life and
academic achievements.  It is therefore
necessary that you as a student must take care your life and avoid stress
because it can harm your test success. Too often many students have or face
butterflies in their stomach while others do find it hard to concentrate during
exams. This can be associated with excessive anxiety which you can experience
during exams time thus affecting your performance.

Tests and exams are integral part of college life and
academic achievements.  It is therefore
necessary that you as a student must take care your life and avoid stress
because it can harm your test success. Too often many students have or face
butterflies in their stomach while others do find it hard to concentrate during
exams. This can be associated with excessive anxiety which you can experience
during exams time thus affecting your performance.


Test anxiety can also effect the students as they prepare for
the exams, which may lead to poor understanding 
and also inhibit the student’s ability to recall information. Every one
do have a level of extreme levels of stress that in the end may hinder their
work effectiveness. Stress may lead to further health complication and reduced
quality of life.


Its imperative to get advice when you feel anxious during
exams time otherwise you end up performing below par. Therefore, you have any
element of stress during tests or just before you sit for exams, you should do
the following:


1). Relax and font panic, because this may worsen the


2). Take time to talk to other people, listen to music or go
out for a walk to re-freshen your mind.


3). Go and do a physical exercise, relax your body muscles or
mental strength.


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