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What Is the Difference Between a Bibliography and a Works Cited?


If you are in college, one of the biggest mistakes that you can make is academic dishonesty, commonly referred to as plagiarism. You are not allowed to copy and paste the concepts, reports, figures, or data from any source and present them as your own. Even if such info is correct, it is unethical and can attract severe penalties. 

The act of engaging in academic dishonesty, which is more generally known as plagiarism, is one of the most significant errors that you can do if you are a student in college. Taking the ideas, reports, statistics, or data from any source and passing them off as your own is strictly prohibited. You are not permitted to copy and paste them. Regardless of whether or not such information is accurate, it is unethical and may result in serious fines. For this reason, you are required to make use of citing strategies such as references or works referenced in the APA format.

In order to further assist you in comprehending the works mentioned and bibliographical procedures, we will go deeper into the topic of reference in this essay. You will be provided with a comparison of works cited and bibliography, as well as an outline of major examples.

What exactly is a reference? How Come It Is So Important?

Before delving into the specifics of the mechanical differences between works cited and bibliography, it is essential to first gain an understanding of the reasons why reference is of such critical importance in academic writing.

The arguments that you present in a research paper, essay, report, thesis, or any other kind of academic work are intended to build upon the arguments that have been presented by previous researchers, professors, and writers.

It is of the utmost importance to provide credit to the origin of your ideas, data, or information by guiding the reader to the organization that provided the work. This practice is known as referencing.

From this perspective, citing your work (giving credit to the source) serves multiple goals, including the following:

  • Differentiate your thoughts from those of other people who have done works that are comparable.
  • You should make it possible for the readers to follow what you have mentioned in the essay in greater detail.
  • When conducting research, demonstrate that you are succinct. A strong ability to reference sources is likely to earn you extra points.

The works cited and the bibliography are the two types of referencing that are utilized the most frequently.

A bibliography and a works cited page are two different things; what is the difference between that?

There are a few distinctions between a work cited and a bibliography, despite the fact that both structures appear to be comparable due to the fact that they contain items that are sorted in alphabetical order. When you examine the difference between a bibliography and a works referenced list in further detail, you will realize that the primary distinction resides in the content that each one includes.

A bibliography is a list of all the works that are cited in an academic essay or report. It is located at the end of the document, which is the academic essay or report. However, it may also incorporate extra books that were consulted by the author, even if the particular publications in question have not been named in the essay itself. The majority of the time, authors include the sources that they believe are important to the people they are targeting.

In the same way that the bibliography is a list of the sources that you utilized when writing an essay, the works cited is a list of those sources. On the other hand, it is distinct from the bibliography in that the reference list must contain each and every reference that is cited in the body of your essay. In the event that you utilized some elements, but they are not mentioned in the text, then such materials will not be included in the works referenced.

The Difference Between Works Cited and Bibliography: How to Properly Prepare Both

Having gained an understanding of the distinction between works cited and bibliography, it is now time to proceed to the subsequent stage, which is to ask, "How do you prepare them?"

When it comes to preparing a decent works cited or bibliography for your paper, the key is to collect the relevant information as you read. The information that you need to make sure you record is as follows:

  • What is the title of the publication, article, or book that you are currently reading?
  • The publication date of the work.
  • The person who wrote the publication out. Be sure to take note of each and every one of them if there are a lot of them.
  • In the case of a book, you need to know the publisher as well as the location where the book was published.
  • The volume and page numbers are required for submissions to journals.
  • The author, the title of the website, the company that owns the website, the website address (URL), and the date that you accessed the website are all necessary pieces of information to have if you are using web sources such as websites.

Please have a look at the examples that are provided below in order to have a better understanding of the distinctions and similarities between works cited and bibliography. Please take note that the references are being used for the purpose of demonstration.

The first example is a bibliography, in which all of the sources that are listed here must be included in the body of the essay or article.
Banerjee, A. and Watson, T.F. (2011) Pickard’s manual of operative dentistry. 9th ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Hislop, V. (2014) The sunrise. Available at (Accessed: 17 June 2017).
Lucas, G. (2004) The wonders of the Universe. 2nd ed. Edited by Frederick Jones, James Smith, and Tony Bradley. London: Smiths.’Rush (band)’ (2015) Wikipedia. Available at (Accessed: 18 June 2015).

Example number two: a bibliography (this list contains materials that are cited in the body of the essay as well as those that were utilized but are not cited and are included in the bibliography).

Center for Disease Control and Prevention (1994) Epi Info (Version 6) [Computer program]. Available at (Accessed: 23 June 2015).

Jones, B., (1997) Methods in tumor research. National Agency for Tumour Research, volume. 7.

Peart, N. (1976) Something for Nothing. Toronto: Toronto Sound Studios.

The University of Birmingham (2010) The University of Birmingham experience. Available at: (Accessed: 18 June 2015).

What Is the Difference Between References and Works Cited?

When college students compare and contrast the similarities and differences between works cited references and bibliographies, the question of which one is superior is always brought up. Should I have a works cited section or a bibliography? In point of fact, there is no alternative approach that is superior to any other. According to reputable dissertation formatting services, both approaches are effective and are utilized by a large number of people. In point of fact, the strategy that you ought to utilize for referencing your essay is governed by the college that you were attending. There is a possibility that your department will mandate that students adopt the MLA format for bibliographies, the Harvard format for bibliographies, or the APA works cited referencing styles. Ensure that you verify everything thoroughly and completely follow to the procedure that has been provided.

A Simplified Approach to the APA Works Cited and References... Not Even a Single Hustle!

At each and every instance in which your instructor needs you to compose an academic essay, research paper, or thesis, it is very necessary to completely adhere to the writing style that is advised. In order to simplify the procedure, this page has provided an explanation of the differences between works cited and bibliography.

Notably, it may take some time to acquire the knowledge necessary to properly compile the works listed or the bibliography. There are additional scenarios in which you can be required to meet a stringent deadline or attend other appointments. You may always seek affordable writing aid from professionals at HAMNIC Solutions, and you can even get guided on how to perfectly and professionally write a dissertation, regardless of the reasons that are making it tough for you to create a good works cited or references in the American Psychological Association (APA).

Authors who are experts in their field are aware of how to properly prepare references in any format that you like. In terms of referencing, this is an excellent method for ensuring that you get it right. Not even a single hustle!

Please visit our website here to access a wide range of free resources, research templates, and guidelines. If you ever Comprehensive research guidance and project support in writing your research project, review journal, article, or dissertation, our team of professionals is always ready to guide you through your research journey.

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