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The Importance of Networking


Networking can be viewed as the exchange of information amongst people who have common profession and also special interest, normally done in a common social ground. Professionals, institutional and companies do network to survive and grow effectively. But why do we have to network? Here are points on the importance of networking:

1). Networking enables us to communicate with each other and share information  through digital, computer and social platforms. Such information can be shared through email, social media, video conferencing and newsgroups as well as community forums.

2). Networking will benefit you in improving communication skills, building a good reputation and enhancement of career growth. In a business setup, it can serve as a marketing strategy and a venue for professional development. For an individual, it can be the best platform for developing communication skills and lead you to the path for career success.

3). Networking is also effective to raise profile, both the individual and corporate profiles and that way you are able to advance your career or reputation in your industry. It is the most effective way of building and strengthening your business connections.

4). Networking will also help you get fresh ideas by exchanging information on challenges, experiences and goals. This is the best approach for obtaining good insights for your profession or business.

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