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The Impact of Academic Hazing on Scholars' Psychological Well-being


Though the title of this article may sound slightly depressing, we hope to shed some light on what it is like to become a scholar. There are many ups and downs in the process of being a scholar. 

While the title of this essay may appear somewhat gloomy, our intention is to provide insight into the experience of becoming a scholar. The journey of becoming a scholar is characterised by numerous challenges and obstacles. While you may have teachers, lectures, and topics that you particularly enjoy, there are instances where you may encounter academic hazing, which can leave you feeling powerless and disheartened. 

From an academic standpoint, it can be challenging not just to manage the schoolwork itself, but also to contend with one's peers and distinguish oneself among them. The experience of exclusion, even when surrounded by others, induces psychological distress in pupils. Furthermore, if you encounter an unsupportive supervisor and environment, each stage of your Master's or Ph.D. programme may seem akin to undergoing hazing.

Why does pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. degree provide the impression of being subjected to hazing?

Obtaining a Master's or Ph.D. degree requires significant effort and can have negative psychological effects. A significant number of students experience the burden of achieving success, or perhaps encountering failure due to the actions of their advisors. Master's and Ph.D. students may often feel isolated in their emotions and believe that they are not permitted to express them openly. 

Now, let us examine the prevalent psychological consequences of academic hazing on academics and explore strategies to effectively overcome them. 

     1. Persistent anxiety and distress

When composing a Master's or Ph.D. thesis, you experience continuous pressure from committee members who will scrutinise your work prior to completing the final revisions. Consequently, it is often effortless to excessively contemplate and scrutinise every minute aspect. 

According to a study titled "Work organisation and mental health problems in PhD students"[1], it was found that 50 percent of Master's and Ph.D. students encounter psychological hardship during their academic journey.

To address this problem, we suggest periodically stepping away from your work to gain a new perspective on areas that require enhancement and the appropriate approach to take. Utilising deep relaxation techniques and counselling, despite their potential cost, can effectively alleviate tension, worry, and depression, enabling you to enhance your attention and achieve mental clarity when writing.

     2. Embarrassment

Obtaining a Master's or Ph.D. is inherently challenging, and the situation can become even more difficult when dealing with an unsatisfactory supervisor. The problem of being subjected to humiliation by Ph.D. supervisors is becoming increasingly worrisome for both university students and academic personnel.

As the economy grows more challenging, the rivalry for jobs intensifies, including the admission process for Master's and PhD programmes. Competition also arises when instructors select students to collaborate with them on their study. Hence, a lack of compatibility with your supervisor may lead to an unfavourable circumstance where you are unable to complete your Master's or Ph.D. due to academic hazing.

     3. The Relationship Between Depression and Insufficient Sleep

A total of 47% of academic doctorate candidates enrolled in a doctoral programme undergo psychological distress, which includes symptoms such as worry, dissatisfaction with daily activities, stress, sleep deprivation, and depression. The psychological impacts are elicited by:

  • The candidate faces persistent pressures from their family and friends over the timing of their graduation.
  • Fierce rivalry with other candidates.
  • Meeting the changes and reviews of committee members' expectations.
  • The committee members provided criticism on the dissertation revision that was unclear or open to interpretation.
  • A heavy workload can disrupt work-life balance, potentially affecting family and social commitments.
  • The aspiration for attaining perfection.
  • Depletion of student financial aid to cover programme expenses and prevent personal expenses.
  • Rising levels of student loan debt.
  • The aspiration for attaining perfection

Due to the inherent uncertainty of research during one's Master's or Ph.D. and the occurrence of numerous late nights, it is not unusual to experience phases where one feels that everything is progressing smoothly.  While your research is advancing, and you have promising ideas for future publications, there are also moments when completing a dissertation might seem like an unappreciated and never-ending pursuit. 

Extended durations of adversity can significantly impact one's mental well-being, leading to a sense of stagnation and dissatisfaction. The combination of extended work hours, insufficient rest, social isolation from loved ones, and the demanding nature of academic challenges can collectively induce feelings of academic hazing, which in turn can contribute to the development of melancholy. 

Information extracted from a report[2] The Graduate from Assembly at the University of California, Berkeley, conducted a survey on the happiness and well-being of graduate students. According to the report, 47 percent of Master's and Ph.D. candidates on the campus were found to be experiencing depression.

An essential action to do is to immerse yourself in the company of individuals who exude positivity. This encompasses individuals from various spheres, such as acquaintances, relatives, colleagues, and even educators. Occasionally, while being aware of the necessity for assistance, one may struggle with articulating a request for support. If you fit this description, HAMNIC Solutions has created a personalised coaching and mentorship programme that offers assistance with dissertation writing as well as mindset sessions. These sessions aim to counteract the psychological impact of the doctoral process and help you achieve mental clarity, profound relaxation, and concentration. This will enable you to write your dissertation effectively, without any subconscious obstacles. 

     4. Solitude

If you have been enrolled in a Master's or Ph.D. programme for an extended period, it is likely that you have encountered individuals who claim that the initial years are the most challenging. While it is indeed accurate, the reason for this is not solely attributed to the research and writing tasks that consume the majority of a Master's or Ph.D. student's schedule. Furthermore, their lack of genuine social bonds with others contributes to this situation at their current stage of life.

Indeed, numerous students experience a significant degree of social isolation during the initial years of their Master's and Ph.D. programmes due to the rigorous academic initiation rituals associated with pursuing a Master's or Ph.D., which can lead to feelings of depression. This can be incapacitating and hinder their ability to concentrate on their academic pursuits.

An optimal course of action would be to become a member of a vibrant community comprised of others who are also engaged in pursuing their doctoral degrees. To locate them, simply conduct an online search using keywords such as "PhD Chat groups" or "Master's and PhD Facebook Groups". Whether a community centre does not exist in your location, you may consider contacting the department of a nearby institution to inquire whether they can assist you in establishing connections with like-minded individuals.

In conclusion,

The psychological ramifications of academic hazing are never addressed in academic discourse, despite being an inherent aspect of the academic experience. For academics, it can have a detrimental impact on their overall health and result in heightened levels of stress and worry. For professors, the matter of a scholar's mental health might be particularly grave. 

If not dealt with, these problems can worsen and lead to serious consequences such as depression or suicide attempts. It is imperative to put an end to academic hazing, particularly in Master's or Ph.D. programmes, in order to avoid such terrible circumstances and safeguard the mental well-being of our esteemed scholars.

This page aims to elucidate the psychological ramifications of academic hazing, provide valuable strategies to prevent them, and offer resources for seeking assistance in case of personal encounters. If you have any inquiries or remarks on this subject, kindly feel free to leave a comment below or contact us through the following means:

Discover assistance through personalised coaching and mentorship sessions. 

HAMNIC Solutions offers a personalised coaching and mentorship programme that encompasses both assistance with dissertation writing and mindset sessions aimed at counteracting the psychological impact of the doctoral process. These sessions promote mental clarity, profound relaxation, and enhanced concentration, enabling you to write your dissertation effectively and overcome any subconscious obstacles. 

You may also contact us via the following means at HAMNIC Solutions:



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