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The Driving Factors that Keep Master's and Ph.D. Students Motivated to Continue their Studies


When it comes to obtaining a Master's or Ph.D. or professional doctorate, many students may find themselves faced with unexpected hurdles and challenges. This is not uncommon, as the process to receive such academic achievement is a rigorous one that differs upon each individual's own experience. 

When pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. or professional doctorate, students often encounter unforeseen obstacles and difficulties. This is a frequent occurrence, as the route to attain such academic accomplishment is demanding and varies based on each individual's unique experience. The duration of this process and the time required to acquire such a degree vary based on numerous criteria tailored to each individual student. 

Various factors, both internal and external, as well as the nature of the research being undertaken, might contribute to delays. According to information from the Survey of Earned Doctorates, certain students may require up to 5.8 years to finish their programmes, while in other instances, the duration might be even longer. 

Given the presence of these challenges, certain applicants may feel compelled to search for a glimmer of hope or a positive outcome. 

What is the significance of this research? Are these challenges worthwhile? Michelle Barner McKee, a woman pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. in General Psychology with a focus on Cognition and Instruction at Grand Canyon University, has explained her motivation to The Scholars Editing Group. Michelle states that her motivation for pursuing higher education in the past and future is rooted on her desire to assist others. She depends on her children and her faith to provide her with support. Michelle aims to provide pro bono legal services through her law practice in Ukraine, with the purpose of improving the lives of people. 

Michelle explains that her connection with Jesus has provided her with the resilience to progress in her academic pursuits. When discussing her future aspirations, she emphasises the significance of taking time to appreciate the small pleasures in life, rather than rushing through its challenges. While pursuing a Master's or Ph.D. or professional doctorate, it is crucial for individuals to acknowledge that progress may not always align with their initial expectations, and this is acceptable.

Despite being a lengthy and demanding process, higher education is ultimately rewarding as it allows individuals to witness the tangible results of their efforts, making the difficulties and late nights worthwhile. 

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