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Striking a Balance Between Personal Life and Academic Pursuits


Many things in life are a balance. Tip the scale one way too much and things start to become lopsided, but tip it the other way and the same thing happens. The key to living a successful life, flourished with opportunity in all areas, is to practice balance. Although easier said than done in many cases, balance allows an individual to nourish their life in more than one way.

Life often requires finding a delicate equilibrium between several elements. When one side of the scale is excessively favoured, things become imbalanced, but when the other side is favoured, the same outcome occurs. The key to achieving a prosperous and fulfilling life, abundant with opportunities in every aspect, is in cultivating a sense of balance. While often challenging to achieve, balance enables an individual to enrich their life through multiple avenues.

When pursuing higher education, a significant number of individuals are unable to fully concentrate on their academics, despite it being the optimal situation. Occasionally, several hindrances such as pregnancy, an ailing family member, a demanding profession, or the complexities of everyday life might impede progress.

Martina Smith, a doctoral candidate in Sociology at the University of Chicago, offered insights on the correlation between managing personal and academic commitments. Smith asserts that it is impossible to pause or delay one's life. Obtaining the degree becomes an integral aspect of one's life. 

To acknowledge that pursuing education is an integral aspect of one's life is to also acknowledge that one's life is intertwined with the pursuit of education. This is to acknowledge that the chaotic elements of life can impact the process of pursuing an academic degree. Each individual's educational experience will vary, as everyone is undergoing distinct life stages beyond their academic pursuits. The consequences of these circumstances on studies may be substantial or negligible, but in any case, they will uniquely form an individual's educational experience. 

Smith emphasises the significance of not allowing perfection to hinder progress. Excessive fixation on perfectionism may not necessarily result in the anticipated level of success. When pursuing a Master's or Ph.D., it may be more advantageous to appreciate the completion of a dissertation, rather than striving for perfection. It is important to take pride in the effort put into it and the achievement of completing it to the best of one's capabilities. This fosters the notion that obtaining a Master's or Ph.D. is an achievable endeavour, and it can be commemorated alongside other facets of one's life concurrently. 

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