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Reasons why it is important to set smart career goals


Goals are so important in pursuing a career. A career goal is
defined as a statement that explains the professional individual's intentions
in pursuing a profession. Smart career goals are associated with the action
plans one comes up with in pursuit of a career.

Goals are so important in pursuing a career. A career goal is
defined as a statement that explains the professional individual's intentions
in pursuing a profession. Smart career goals are associated with the action
plans one comes up with in pursuit of a career.


1). Smart goals enable us to have clarity and focus, which is
required to get the most out of the efforts we make. This means that when you
have goals, you can focus on the major things and forget about the other minors.


2). Smart goals enhance your mental ability and thus prepares
you to think and focus on the tasks ahead. This way, you can eliminate the
distraction from less important things.


3). Smart goals give you the framework to build on to achieve
your milestones by measuring your progress. It gives you a platform for short
and long-term goals.


4). Smart goals encourage you to take action as you progress
further. It gives you a platform for short and long-term goals.


5). Smart goals motivate you to aim higher and do more. This
means that you can build your career path by setting objectives and creating a
road map on where you want to reach.

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