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Psychological Distress and Coping among University Students


Psychological distress among university students has become a common occurrence due to the challenges and demands that are associated with the academic lifestyle and expectations. Unfortunately, most university students lack the mechanisms of coping with psychological distress.

Psychological distress among university students has become a common occurrence due to the challenges and demands that are associated with the academic lifestyle and expectations. Unfortunately, most university students lack the mechanisms of coping with psychological distress.

The term psychological distress is defined as the occurrence of anxiety, depression, and stress that affects the accuracy of mental functioning. In ordinary life, psychological distress is usually caused by other health issues, everyday stressors brought by relationships, family stress, and workplace problem. It can also be caused by major life events.

However, to university students, it can be caused by the transition of moving from home to the university and the demands that come with it. Some students are married or employed, so balancing between these factors can be challenging and stressful. If you find yourself in a scenario where you are suffering from psychological distress; here are some insights into a coping mechanism.

  1. Develop your problem-solving skills by learning to handle difficult situations.
  2. Seek psycho-social support by joining a social group or consult counseling services from a professional counselor within your university
  3. Live according to your level and not become over ambitious to obtain what you cannot achieve with your means.

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