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How to Work With Your PhD Supervisor to Your Advantage


A Masters or PhD supervisor plays a central role throughout your doctorate. He is the captain of your Masters or PhD journey who guides and supports you in times of difficulties. He enlightens you with new ideas and motivates you to give your best and achieve your academic goals. 

A PhD or master's programme supervisor is essential to your doctoral journey. He is the captain of your master's or doctoral voyage, providing you with direction and encouragement when things become tough. He opens your eyes to fresh perspectives and inspires you to put in your all to meet your academic objectives. 

The way you get along with your supervisor will play a big part in how this trip turns out. If it's good, your thesis and research will fit together easily; if it's not quite right, you'll probably find it difficult to get along. 

A personality conflict is one of the possible causes of a poor working relationship with your supervisor. Your supervisor might not always provide you good justifications for the repeated requests to revise and redesign sections of your thesis, or he might not allot enough time for meetings and effective supervision.

For any reason, it's critical that you and your supervisor have a good working relationship in order for you to conduct research in peace. It will not only point you in the right direction, but it can also enable you to finish your PhD or Masters programme on schedule.

Here are some pointers to help you prevent a difficult relationship with your supervisor:

    1. Arrange Meetings on Time:

Making decisions and setting up meetings with your supervisor during the initial meeting is crucial. Weekly, fortnightly, or even monthly can be chosen based on your schedule and the demands of your job. Not only will it help you stay in regular contact with your supervisor, but he will also be available during the designated times, saving you the trouble of having to ask him for it repeatedly.

Furthermore, it's crucial to have realistic expectations for your thesis early on. To ensure that you have clear directions for your work, you should talk about what you and your supervisor anticipate from this research at the conclusion.

    2. Take Ownership Of Your Tasks:

It is your responsibility to take charge of your task rather than just sitting there if your supervisor isn't giving you the necessary time or direction. You ought to carry out independent research and decide for yourself where you want to take your thesis. 

Additionally, if you run into any issues when conducting your study, tackle them alone at first and come up with a solution. In this manner, you may talk about such issues with your supervisor when you meet with him and avoid wasting further time waiting for his orders.

(Shafer, Robert, 1921) In actuality, self-education is the only kind of education. Teachers are like signposts; they can only mark the way by setting an example and following a precept. They can offer advice and convey knowledge. A signpost serves no purpose on Earth unless the person using it intends to go there. 

    3. Master Your Feelings:

There are times when you put in days of hard effort on your research and hope for a compliment from your supervisor. To your astonishment, nevertheless, he begins pointing out errors in this effort. He might advise you to start over with a completely new topic or assignment. You may become very agitated over this. Feeling discouraged by the criticism, you might argue with him, which would make matters worse for you. 

Remaining composed and in control of your feelings is the best course of action in this situation. You should first inquire as to the reasons for his dissatisfaction before rationally discussing them with him. In this manner, you'll be able to address his issues and provide a reasoned defence of your work.

"Always be prepared for criticism because there will always be some who are eager to point fingers at you. What matters most is the constructive lesson you take away from your detractors, not the issue itself. (Yeboah, Ernest Agyemang)

    4. Use Assertiveness to Effectively Communicate:

It is crucial that you get all of your questions answered and get all of your uncertainties cleared up when you meet with your master's or PhD supervisor. You have to speak with him clearly in order to accomplish this. When expressing your worries, do so with assurance and candour. It makes no sense to leave your supervisor's office with a hazy understanding of the material. Before you leave the meeting, make a list of the key things that you discussed. 

"You can acquire the art of communication. It's similar to typing or riding a bicycle. Every aspect of your life can be quickly improved if you're prepared to put in the effort. (Tracy Brian)

You shouldn't take an aggressive or quiet approach when you and your boss disagree on a particular issue. You and your thesis will suffer as a result of these two actions. The proper method to express your concerns is to listen intently to your boss for a while before confidently and respectfully expressing your own point of view. This approach, known as assertiveness, works wonders for dealing with people who are domineering.

    5. Arrive at meetings prepared:

Supervisors have a lot on their plates. At the same time, they have to handle their own research, lectures, several projects, and academic job. One of the numerous tasks he must complete is holding a meeting to talk about your issues or progress; this is not his main priority. It is up to you to make the most of your encounters with your superiors. 

So, seize the chance and get ready for the meeting by deciding on the topics to be covered, the objectives to be met, and the agenda. It is important that you arm yourself with the necessary knowledge. Prior to the meeting, you should do some preparation so that you can assess your issues critically and ask your supervisor for answers.

"Those who are unprepared waste no time with opportunity." (Idowu Koyenikan, Wealth for Everyone: Leading a Successful Life at the Boundaries of Your Capabilities)

    6. Respect for One Another through Professionalism:

Mutual respect is a prerequisite for developing a positive working relationship with your supervisor. It's not a problem if you don't get along with your supervisor. Establishing a professional relationship and resolving personal conflicts with him is crucial. None of you could function effectively or ultimately create meaningful research without doing this. It's critical that the scholar and supervisor understand how equally vital they are to one other's professional and productive development.

Prof. Dr. José M. Torralba, the Madrid Regional Government's Director-General of Universities and Research, states that "the better the future of the student, the better the future of both of them." The best approach for the professor to ensure future scientific networks, future collaboration, and future projects is to have one well-promoted student. Future partners must be today's students. In actuality, encouraging your pupils is a means of promoting oneself.

    7. Seek Assistance From Other Mentors:

Your supervisor may give you conflicting advice while you are doing your PhD. In the initial meeting, he might say something, and as you work on it, he might ask you to change the subject entirely. This could also occur if you are under the supervision of multiple people. You can be left feeling very confused as a result of their conflicting and inconsistent advice and recommendations.

"It is typical for peer reviewers' overall recommendations to be inconsistent." (Wagner and others, 2003)

The best course of action is to ask mentors who have experience handling similar circumstances for assistance. One such location that offers comprehensive mentoring, consulting, and support services is HAMNIC Solutions. We are committed to supporting professional doctoral candidates, Masters, and Ph.D. candidates at every stage of the process. In order to successfully complete the demanding stages of the PhD process and take part in the commencement and hooding ceremony, doctorate applicants can anticipate receiving substantial editing service, research assistance, dissertation consultation, and mentorship programmes. 


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