Stress can cause psychological distress in the life and academic experiences of a student in many ways. Some psychological effects of stress on university and college students include anxiety, depression, inability to stay attentive and concentrate on studies. Some might show signs of social withdrawal, anger, frustrations, and hostility. However, this stress does affect people differently, there are those who when stressed cannot sleep or experience poor diet and even social anxieties.
When experiencing the psychological effects of stress, here are some of the ways you can cope with this problem.
1). Set realistic goals and expectations to reduce the workload. These goals must be aligned with your study objectives and life goals.
2). Reexamine your values and live by standards and not of others. This means that you can define your life values and list what you want to achieve in life.
3). Study and set aside time for your relaxation to refresh your mind. Some methods you can use include meditation on an everyday basis at one sitting, or you can do walking meditation in a quiet place.
4). Assert yourself by reinventing new methods of how you relate to others and communicate effectively. This also means that you need to improve yourself by being assertive and taking personal initiative.