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How the pandemic changed the way Educators think about Homework


The outbreak of Covid 19 in 2020 has had a
huge impact on educational setup and delivery. Part of these changes includes
the way educators think about homework. Educators are people who educate
students. So after the outbreak educators including educational institutions,
educational policymakers, and professional teachers have devices different ways
of giving homework. The following points show how the pandemic has transformed
the educators’ approach to homework.

The outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020 has had a
huge impact on educational setup and delivery. Part of these changes includes
the way educators think about homework. Educators are people who educate
students. So after the outbreak educators including educational institutions,
educational policymakers, and professional teachers have devices different ways
of giving homework. The following points show how the pandemic has transformed
the educators’ approach to homework.

1). The pandemic has changed the educational
delivery from face to online: Meaning that students can now access
their reading resources and do their homework online. However, students from
families who could not afford digital devices or computers were disadvantaged.

2), In some countries, the Covid-19 has
forced the educators to seek more funding from their respective governments and
donor organizations

3). It calls on students and educators to put
more effort into educational support through online platforms.

4). The shift to
the online mode has made education easier to access and follow from anywhere
around the world. Meaning that students and teachers can interact freely

5 ). Due to
immigration and traveling restrictions most universities in the western world
like the USA, Canada, Europe who rely heavily on international students from
overseas for financial sustainability have been hugely affected and disrupted.




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