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Five Signs of a slowdown Fall Semester


Here are five signs you're feeling the terrible term recession and a few tips to help you stay strong. 💪⠀

⏰ Hitting the snooze button more often

During the fall semester, as days get shorter and colder, you may notice it’s more difficult and challenging to wake up in the morning. To feel more rested, try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. And keep your alarm clock or phone further from your bed, so you’re less tempted to hit snooze and roll back into your covers.

☕️ Loading up on the coffee 

Sure, oat milk lattes are delicious, but when you find yourself drinking multiple cups of coffee each day to keep yourself awake—or sipping it late into night study sessions—it may be time to cut back. Coffee can be a great aid and a delicious treat, but make sure to drink water between the sips of your drink, too, since caffeine can dehydrate you. Try tea or hot chocolate instead!

😩 Feeling sick of that commitment

When the semester started, you may have signed up for a handful of new clubs or projects that you thought sounded fun or would add to your resume. Now you may find yourself dragging your feet, wishing you could be anywhere but that classroom at 7 p.m. Fall semester is a suitable time to re-evaluate your commitments: make a list of your obligations, from most to least significant, and take a critical look at how much time you can afford to spend on each.

📜 Study strategies aren’t working well

Every college student has been there: you thought you had tried a true study method, but the results for your latest term are lower than you’d have wanted. If you haven’t, schedule a meeting with your professor or TA—they should be more than willing to talk to you about how you can succeed in class. Or try out HAMNIC Solutions' service. 

🎎 You haven’t seen your bestie in a few days

As classes and extracurricular ramp up, isolation grows stronger, damaging your health, and making time for fun is imperative. Text a friend you haven’t seen in a while and suggest watching a film, grabbing a meal, or even studying together. Whatever you decide to do, it’ll be more fun with a friend.

How's your fall semester so far?

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