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Failure Rate in Doctoral Programs: Ways to Prevent It


The PhD failure rate among students has been an issue of concern for a while now. The rise of the internet with various PhD writing services has made the problem worse. We are seeing few students taking up PhD courses at the university level, and the completion rate is also worrying.

The percentage of students who do not complete their doctoral degrees has been a source of worry for some time now. An increase in the number of PhD writing services available on the internet has contributed to the worsening of the problem. We are seeing a relatively low number of students enrolling in doctoral programs at the university level, and the completion rate is also cause for concern.

Do you find that the local newspapers or news bulletins make reference to doctoral degrees on a regular basis? With the exception of the two or three specialists who will be invited for an interview on television, the remainder of the group will be comprised of Mrs. and Mrs. That provides you with some insight into the amount of people who hold a PhD in the country as well as in the world in general. According to the findings of research, the majority of college students only continue their education till they earn a degree.

How come this is the case, though? Why is there such a low percentage of people who complete their PhDs? The purpose of this piece is to investigate that topic in further detail. So, my friend, let's embark on this voyage together.

What exactly is a doctoral degree (PhD)?

Doctor of Philosophy is what this abbreviation stands for. A professional or academic degree that represents the highest level of academic qualification that a person is capable of achieving is what is meant by this term. As a result of doing advanced work that has the potential to significantly contribute to the body of knowledge in a particular discipline, a doctoral degree is conferred at the university level.

People who have earned a doctorate are called Doctors. The time it takes to acquire the appropriate research experience and methodologies for a doctoral degree is years. As they work toward earning such a degree, the majority of students quickly become disheartened along the way. Because of this, there are hardly many people in today's culture who possess titles of this kind.

In addition to this, the percentage of students who do not succeed in completing their PhDs has been rather significant in recent years. There has been a decrease in the number of postgraduate students enrolled in PhD programs at the majority of universities. This worrisome tendency has caused many nations to be uncertain about what the future holds for them. Let's try to picture a country where there are no professors or senior lecturers to teach at the university level.

What is the percentage of students who graduate from university with a doctoral degree?

According to the website of the American Psychological Association (APA), 33 percent of students graduate with a doctoral degree in a particular discipline. When compared to the sciences, the fields of the humanities have continued to register a significantly higher number of students who have completed their studies.

The website makes the observation that about half of all doctoral candidates do not graduate from their programs. According to the findings of a survey that included thirty different schools, fifty-four different fields of study, three hundred and thirty-three different programs, and forty-nine thousand students, the website discovered that the percentage of students dropping out of their PhD programs is as high as 56.6%.

This should give you an idea of the depressing situation about the percentage of dissertation defenses that are unsuccessful. Although they get off to a good start, some students eventually give up and quit. Others finish their dissertation papers, but they are unable to defend them, and as a result, they are included on the list of unsuccessful students. It should be noted that incidents of failed PhDs are not the result of laziness. We are going to go into a great deal of depth regarding this particular element in the next sections.

Why Does Getting a PhD Take Such a Long Time?

We will examine the structure of a PhD thesis as well as the steps that must be taken in order to build the final paper for presentation in order to gain a better understanding of this. In spite of the fact that numerous establishments could have a variety of styles for a PhD paper, the following is a general rule of thumb that applies to all of them:

  • Introduction and Abstract of the Title Page
  • Review of the relevant literature
  • The methodology of research
  • Discussion of the Results
  • Final Thoughts
  • The citation

If you look at the outline that was just presented, you should already know that it does not take thirty minutes to finish a PhD paper. As a result, the majority of students do not make it through the process of writing their PhD papers. Extensive research, which equals around thirteen to twenty months, was conducted for each of the sections that are shown here.

The following are the processes that students are required to go through when preparing a paper for their PhD:

  • When it comes to the prospectus, this is the section in which one must establish the foundation for the entire document. Approximately three to six months will be required. During this stage, the majority of the time is spent refining the topic as well as the researcher's approach to the problem that is being investigated.
  • The proposition is as follows: It includes chapters one through three of the paper. Students will be required to elaborate on their prospectus, conduct extensive research into the relevant literature, and provide a detailed explanation of the technique. A completion time of approximately four months is also required for this phase.
  • The proposal is accepted as follows: At this point, the committee will examine your proposal before deciding whether or not to give you permission to move further. 
  • There is a possibility that the approval of your request could take up to two months.
  • The gathering of data is an essential step in the process of producing a PhD paper since it serves as the foundation for both your findings and your discussion. It is possible that it will take around two months, although this is highly variable and depends on a number of different circumstances.
  • Following the presentation of the data collecting results and an explanation of what those results signify, the students now write their results and discuss them. It may take approximately one month to write, despite the fact that it is one of the portions of a thesis paper that involves the least amount of difficulty.
  • The fulfillment of the criteria and the defense of the paper: In order to be included on the list of graduates, a student must first defend their paper and fulfill certain university requirements. It is possible that this process will take up to one or two months to finish fully.

From what has been presented so far, it is clear that the process of writing a PhD paper takes around one year to finish. Other variables that contribute to the lengthy process of obtaining a PhD include the following:

  • When conducting study, there were insufficient resources available.
  • Containing natural pandemics such as the COVID-19 virus
  • A lack of active participation on the side of the supervisor
  • A certain amount of time may also be required for the process of obtaining clearances and approvals.

Some students may require up to two years to complete their doctoral studies. This encompasses a variety of other typical PhD issues that are beyond the students' ability to solve.

What does it look like to defend a thesis?

When students show themselves during the defense of their master's thesis, it is one of the key reasons why they are unsuccessful in defending their thesis. When it comes to the awarding of a PhD, it is an essential component that has prevented many people from attending. Yet, what does it appear to be like?

The purpose of a defense is to present evidence in support of a particular proposition. The nature of the thesis at issue will determine the evidence that is presented. At this point, you should demonstrate to the committee that you have a well-rounded understanding of both your subject and your area of concentration. It includes the following components:

  • A presentation of the student's thesis by the student
  • Questions with open-ended responses that require you to engage in critical inquiry over your work
  • Providing a synopsis of particular results contained within the thesis

What about the difficulty of earning a doctoral degree? Without a doubt, yeah! These three things, despite their seeming simplicity, might end up costing you a whole year's worth of laborious effort and sleepless nights altogether. By putting an emphasis on each of the procedures listed above, you will be able to produce an outstanding defense of your thesis. It has been demonstrated through research that the majority of students who hand out their papers are caught at this stage. Because of this, you need to complete your task and exhibit something that you are able to defend with relative simplicity.

Aspects That Play a Role in the Failure of a Doctoral Defense

As we have seen, the process of defending a thesis needs the student to have a positive attitude throughout the entire procedure. The final submission is a product of the process in its entirety, including all of the minute details that were involved. The following is a list of some of the reasons why students are unable to successfully defend their PhD thesis:

  • A supervisor who has not been active in the research process may be a key contributor to the student's failure. This is because the supervisor has not provided the student with the appropriate direction required. It is expected of him or her to act as a guide and a support system for the student throughout the entirety of the process of writing the PhD.
  • Some of the students are generally lazy and do not want to put any further effort into their work. This is an example of laziness on the part of the educational institution. Some people would even go so far as to submit copies of PhD papers that are available online by copying and pasting them. The committee has the ability to name all of these mistakes and impose a punishment on the student.
  • When it comes to defending a PhD work, improper attire is something that the majority of students fail to notice, although it is a significant factor. When it comes to the overall project, the dress code will reveal a great deal about how serious you are about it.
  • Some students do not pay attention to the procedures that are being followed during the presentation. These procedures include etiquette, illustrations, structure, and style. During the presentation, some students do not follow the appropriate procedures. As a consequence of this, the student will receive a reduction in their grade, which may ultimately result in the student's failing.
  • Inadequate time for presentation: During the defense, there are certain individuals who fail to make effective use of the time that has been allotted to them in order to convince the committee. The end result is that they waste their time without being able to convince the panel.

One of the primary factors that has led to the high percentage of failure among students is the PhD defense. The five factors that were stated before are only a small part of the larger picture that is much more impressive.

Issues Facing the PhD Supervisor

Throughout the process of writing the PhD, it is the responsibility of a PhD supervisor to provide guidance to the student. It is essential to have a supervisor in order to assist the student in making well-informed decisions regarding the many aspects of the project. On the other hand, there are a multitude of issues that develop with some PhD supervisors:

  • There is a possibility that some supervisors are abusive. These supervisors may have a tendency to respond impolitely to the concerns of the students, humiliate them, or blame them for their own faults. It's possible that the student will be expelled from the PhD program if they have supervisors like that.
  • There are some individuals who are too controlling, since they do not permit kids to make their own choices. To put it another way, these are the types of people who will dictate the subject matter, methodology, or theoretical perspective of a thesis writing. It is possible that you will not have a say in your paper if you have such a supervisor, and as a result, you will lack the urge to continue.
  • Inactive managers and supervisors: There is no leadership quality offered by these, and there is no intervention in the task that the pupil is doing. For the most part, they are only allowed to come in when the student is experiencing a significant problem. A problem of this nature is a sluggish graduate student who turns in a subpar paper at the very end of the semester.
  • The supervisors who are indifferent are those who do not have any enthusiasm for the supervising procedure. It is possible that they will not demonstrate commitment or follow up on any recent developments. When it comes time to submit their PhD papers, students who are under the supervision of such supervisors are more likely to become disinterested and produce papers of poor quality.

As a result of the concerns described above with the PhD supervisor, it is clear that failure is unavoidable. If the supervisors fail to provide adequate guidance and advice to the students, then the percentage of students who fail their classes will continue to continue to rise. Because of this, it is essential for the student and the supervisor to develop a one-on-one interaction that will cultivate positive relationships throughout the entirety of the process.

In the event that the expectations of the relationship between the PhD student and the supervisor are not met, the final product will be a shambolic set of work that will never be seen by the public. Students should be provided with constant constructive input from their PhD supervisors in order to assist in the improvement of the papers.

There is a correlation between bad grades and an imbalance between the student and the supervisor between the two. Either the supervisor is involved in the PhD project to an excessive degree or to an insufficient degree, which will lead to problems. It will have an impact on the author's ability to produce a well-written PhD work that makes a significant contribution to the field of study in question.

Should I Be Concerned About the Ignorance of My PhD Advisor?

Indeed! It is important to keep in mind that this individual will serve as your guide throughout the entire process; in other words, they will be the anchor of your PhD paper. In the event that he or she is neglecting you, you ought to immediately become aware of this development. Here are some of the potential outcomes that could result from such an action:

  • There is a possibility that you will run behind schedule.
  • It is possible that you will not be able to acquire the necessary skills in your field of study.
  • It is possible that some of the choices you make will not be successful.
  • It is possible that you will make mistakes and overlook important aspects of a thesis paper if you allow yourself to do so.
  • Due to the lack of a mentor, you could experience feelings of demoralization.

What percentage of students pursuing a PhD decide to withdraw from their studies? According to what we said, over half of the total number of them join. In light of the significant role that a supervisor plays, it is evident that they are also a factor in the failure of PhD students to complete their studies. A student who does not have the support of a supervisor will have a difficult time producing a thesis paper of a good quality.

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