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Does Academic Hazing Exist?


Academic hazing is a form of bullying that occurs in academia. It involves the abuse of students by senior members of an academic community, such as faculty members and/or upper classmen and possibly graduate students.

Academic hazing is a type of bullying that takes place within the academic environment. It encompasses the mistreatment of students by higher-ranking individuals within an educational institution, such as professors and/or older students, potentially including graduate students. An exemplary instance of this occurs when first-year students are subjected to mistreatment or abuse by their fellow new fraternity, sorority pledges, or related members. This type of maltreatment can take place in any educational institution, regardless of the grade level, ranging from primary school to advanced academic programmes.

Statistical Data on Hazing

Based on the first results of the National Hazing Study: Hazing in View, conducted by Allan and Madden in 2008,

  • A majority (55%) of college students engaged in clubs, teams, and organisations encounter hazing.
  • Preceding their enrolment in college, a significant proportion of students (47%) have encountered hazing.

The preceding facts clearly demonstrate that hazing is a genuine occurrence in academic institutions, as a substantial number of students have encountered such situations at various stages.

What is the age of academic hazing?

Academic hazing, a regrettable phenomenon that has persisted for decades, continues to be practised despite attempts to prohibit it in numerous states. It is difficult to comprehend that there are still students who endure unimaginable acts of abuse in contemporary times simply because they seek the chance to advance their education. 

Types of Academic Hazing

In contemporary times, the concept of "hazing" no longer exclusively refers to acts of physical assault. Allan, E. & Madden, M. (2012) conducted a study to determine the prevalence of hazing at universities and its effects on the mental well-being of students. It has been shown that hazing is prevalent among students in the United States and encompasses several student organisations and sporting teams. The survey identified several types of hazing behaviours prevalent among student groups, which can be classified into the following categories: - Alcohol consumption (24%) - Humiliation (18%) - Isolation (21%) - Sleep deprivation (19%) - Harassment and coerced sexual actions (18%) 

Moreover, they discovered a significant disparity between the quantity of students who acknowledge having encountered hazing behaviours and those who categorise their encounters as hazing. This means that the information regarding the reported hazing incidences is significantly more uncertain than the real prevalence of such behaviours.

Academic Hazing in Master's and Ph.D. Programmes

When embarking on a new and competitive setting such as graduate school, it is common to feel overwhelmed by the intricate dynamics of social interactions inside this unfamiliar realm. You must assimilate, or at the very least, project the image of assimilation. Furthermore, there are numerous academic demands and tasks that accumulate, while it appears that others effortlessly complete their own work.

In addition to hazing practices observed in fraternities and sororities, there is another form of hazing that is particularly prevalent in graduate schools. In Master's or Ph.D. programmes, teachers or supervisors deliberately employ strategies to cultivate feelings of imposter syndrome and degradation, impose excessive workloads and tiredness, which ultimately lead to negative health consequences for students. 

Conducting a Master's or PhD thesis requires extensive research, which entails reading several papers, books, and periodicals and documenting pertinent material. Subsequently, the procedure of performing tests and extracting information to record the ultimate conclusions within a limited timeframe is inherently exhausting and bears a strong resemblance to the overall hazing process.

Undoubtedly, academic hazing continues to persist in the modern world. It is crucial to acknowledge the issue and proactively safeguard oneself against being a target. If you believe that your institution or university is responsible for this, it is advisable to promptly denounce them to the appropriate authorities. 

Have you encountered any instances of hazing during your academic pursuits? If you have encountered a similar circumstance, please share in the comment box below how you successfully managed it, so that others can benefit from your experience.

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