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Dealing with negativity and feelings of loneliness While pursuing a PhD


Being enrolled in a Master's or PhD program compels you to take part in long research processes, experiments, reading, writing and finalizing results. You no longer take part in social activities, cut yourself from family, friends and other distractions to focus entirely on your research and dissertation writing.

Enrollment in a Master's or PhD programme necessitates active participation in extensive research processes, conducting experiments, engaging in extensive reading and writing, and ultimately, finalising results. You have chosen to abstain from engaging in social activities, isolate yourself from family, friends, and other diversions in order to dedicate your full attention to your study and the composition of your thesis. 

Without realising it, you find yourself entirely secluded in a room that is solely occupied by papers, books, and notes. This setting may initially be conducive to conducting research and writing a thesis. However, with time, you may begin to experience feelings of isolation and your negative energy may hinder your ability to work with optimal efficiency and effectiveness. 

According to Anna Quindlen,

"Do not mistake your life and your work for each other. The second is merely a component of the first."

What measures may be taken to ensure that you can work in a tranquil manner while also eliminating feelings of loneliness and negativity from your life? Here are some recommendations that you can adhere to: 

     1. Establish a designated schedule for working.

Engaging in a Master's or PhD programme does not necessitate constant labour or complete dedication to it. Indeed, this programme requires more effort and a higher level of commitment compared to other programmes. However, it is also important to establish boundaries and not exceed the limits of work. Continuously working late into the night will only diminish your productivity. 

Approach your Master's or PhD as a professional commitment and establish a defined schedule for your work. Devote yourself wholeheartedly to your research and thesis during those hours, and postpone the remaining work until the following day. Utilise the remaining portion of the day to engage in leisure activities with your family and friends, allowing yourself to unwind and attend to various domestic responsibilities. Not only will this enhance your mood, but it will also invigorate your mind for more efficient work the following day.

     2. Form new social connections

It is strongly advised to establish one or two new friendships, particularly with individuals outside of your field of study, who can assist you in unwinding and engaging in conversations unrelated to your research. Connecting with the world is an excellent opportunity to complement your Master's or PhD studies. Additionally, they will assist you in exploring novel perspectives on your job, diverging from the conventional ones. 

Conversely, your peers within the same research group might offer you assistance and encouragement when you have anxiety regarding your thesis or research. They can serve as a consistent support network and assist you in eliminating detrimental emotions and thoughts regarding the completion of your degree.

     3. Supervisor's Assistance

Your Master's or PhD supervisor can play a crucial part in alleviating negativity and loneliness from your life during your Master's or PhD. Engaging in a conversation with him to address your uncertainties and difficulties can prove to be really beneficial. They are inclined to provide assistance during challenging periods of your research and can also propose potential resolutions to your issues. 

Furthermore, you have the opportunity to engage in a discussion regarding the structure of your study and thesis, and implement modifications to your daily schedule based on his recommendations. Not only will you feel supported after presenting your questions to him, but you will also gain more confidence in your research endeavours.

     4. Enrol in master's or doctoral boot camps

Doctoral boot camps are highly beneficial for enabling individuals to engage in demanding work within a concentrated and intense setting. One of the primary benefits of enrolling in a boot camp is the opportunity to expand your social network by meeting new individuals. 

During the initial day of your boot camp, you observe unfamiliar individuals scattered throughout the area. However, as you progress through the different activities of boot camp with your peers, acquiring new abilities and actively participating in friendly competition, a profound connection is formed. 

You both possess a mutual fervour to successfully finish your thesis and provide assistance, support, and encouragement to one another. The bond and experience of working on your thesis cannot be fully appreciated if you isolate yourself in your room.

     5. Social Platforms:

Social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn serve as excellent channels for engagement among individuals who share similar interests. PhD scholars have the option to either choose specific mentors or become part of a dedicated group only for scholars. In these settings, they provide mutual support, share new ideas, and offer suggestions, thereby enhancing their knowledge across various areas. 

These forums not only disseminate positivism among individuals but also facilitate the establishment of stronger ties with other intellectuals and foster social interaction with them. 

However, amidst these circumstances, you may also encounter individuals with a negative mindset. Make an effort to minimise your interactions with them, as they have the potential to hinder your progress rather than support it. 

Make careful decisions, as Winston Churchill once stated, "Those who lose perceive problems in every opportunity, while those who win perceive opportunities in every problem." 

These tips are intended to assist you in combating negativity and loneliness during your Master's or PhD studies, as well as in your professional career. Please share your ideas and experiences of your Master's or PhD in the comment box below, as well as any other issues you would like us to address. 

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