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Challenges and anxieties in the doctoral process—You are not the only one experiencing them


The masters and doctoral process that each candidate goes through is one that can fulfil personal goals and grants each candidate with a sense of accomplishment and purpose regarding their passion. As earning a Masters, Ph.D. or professional doctorate is staggering accomplishment, it also comes with frustrations and road blocks.

The Masters or PhD procedure that each applicant undergoes is a fulfilling journey that enables them to achieve personal goals and provides a sense of success and purpose in pursuing their interest. Earning a Master's, Ph.D. or professional doctorate is an impressive achievement, but it can also be accompanied by disappointments and obstacles. As reported by The Chronicle of Higher Education, the attrition rate for students enrolled in Ph.D. programs is 50%. The fact that 50% of PhD students drop out of their programs indicates that the obstacles faced by candidates are demanding and can feel never-ending. What is the rationale for this attrition? 

Harvard University sponsored a study led by Paul Barreira, Matthew Basilico, and Valentin Bolotnyy to examine and analyze the prevalence of mental health issues among doctorate applicants. The graduate students enrolled in Economics Ph.D. programs who conducted the research discovered that a significant number of doctorate candidates had high levels of anxiety or isolation, which adversely affected their mental health. The graduate students' research reveals that Ph.D. students, on average, experience higher levels of loneliness compared to retired individuals in the United States.

What implications does this have for candidates already undergoing the doctorate process? Amidst the presence of COVID-19 in our culture, emotions of loneliness may be intensified. The Scholars at The Scholar's Professional Editing Group would want to inform you that as a PhD candidate, you are not alone. The Scholars acknowledge that undergraduate programs provide numerous beneficial services at universities to assist students, including office hours and compulsory study groups. Doctoral candidates endure significantly more demanding, time-intensive, and emotionally taxing labor throughout their studies, which is compounded by a lack of a support structure.

The professionals employed at HAMNIC Solutions have personally experienced these issues. They comprehend the profound emotions associated with feeling trapped and the subsequent impact on one's mindset. According to Mr. Hamza Omullah, the CEO/Founder of HAMNIC Solutions, he remembers experiencing a sense of failure and despair, continuous frustrations with the never-ending process of making revisions, dealing with changes from the committee, receiving unclear feedback, accumulating more student loan debt, and enduring numerous sleepless nights - all while balancing the responsibilities of life, family, and work. 

Having experienced the process themselves, the Researchers endeavoured to find a means to make the Masters and PhD processes more manageable for other candidates presently navigating it, or those contemplating embarking on it. These experts not only specialize in editing and polishing dissertations, but they also offer comprehensive research guidance services to assist you in achieving your own hooding ceremony, which includes mentorship and individualized support. 

Are you experiencing any difficulties or obstacles in any aspect of your Dissertation writing process? Connecting with others who have already completed the demanding process of earning a Ph.D. or professional doctorate and are willing to offer assistance can be a suitable choice for you to establish a sense of community. To get insight into the role and more assistance offered by experts at HAMNIC Solutions, please visit their website by clicking on the provided link.

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Additional resources will be provided to you. Make sure to be vigilant for the upcoming content. Do not undertake this voyage by yourself. HAMNIC Solutions' dissertation coaching program offers the opportunity to collaborate with experienced scholars and researchers as you delve into advanced APA writing, research skills, and SPSS/NVivo software administration.

Please visit our website here to access a wide range of free resources, research templates, and guidelines. If you ever Comprehensive research guidance and project support in writing your research project, review journal, article, or dissertation, our team of professionals is always ready to guide you through your research journey.

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