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An Exposé on Academic Hazing in Master's and PhD Programmes: Essential Knowledge for Scholars


The concept of hazing is foreign to many, being that it is generally considered a practice associated with fraternities. It has been used in the past as a way to test an individual's endurance and commitment to their group or team, but it can also be humiliating or even dangerous. 

The concept of hazing is unfamiliar to many individuals, as it is commonly regarded as a tradition linked to fraternities. In previous instances, it has served as a means to assess an individual's stamina and dedication to their collective or squad, although it can also result in embarrassment or even peril. 

Regarding academic hazing, it is distinct. Academic hazing refers to any action or practice carried out by your supervisors, seniors, or fellows that obstructs your progress towards completing your academic goals or degree. The issue is in the lack of comprehension among individuals regarding the concept of academic hazing and its potential to detrimentally impact one's professional trajectory.

Methods for Identifying Academic Hazing

Identifying academic hazing can be challenging due to its variability across different academic departments and institutes. As a Master's or PhD scholar, you may encounter various demanding procedures, some of which may appear to be mandatory for completing your degree but are actually academic hazing. Upon recognising which of such actions constitutes academic hazing, you can proactively intervene to safeguard your Master's or PhD trip from their detrimental effects. Now, let's examine some of these examples:

     1. Infinite Readings

As a doctoral candidate, you will be assigned a substantial amount of scholarly articles, papers, and books to peruse for your research. While several of them may be beneficial to you, it is possible that some are merely assigned as a customary part of the PhD process. These readings may consume a significant amount of your valuable time and overwhelm you without yielding any benefits for your thesis. If you find yourself in a comparable circumstance, be aware that you are experiencing academic hazing. 

You can feasibly thoroughly analyse approximately 100 documents. Occasionally, it may require a span of up to one month for you to comprehensively grasp the content of a solitary document. Frequently, it is necessary to review the paper multiple times in order to verify the accuracy of your findings or comprehension of the readings. It is imperative that you do not continue reading without retaining the preceding information.

In a study conducted by Mandal (2019), it was found that 20 percent of the 5,700 PhD students surveyed reported feeling "overwhelmed" by their coursework and research, resulting in increased levels of stress and anxiety.

Many individuals are unaware that the reading process has a specific tempo. This material cannot be read and understood within any given timeframe. The quantity and manner of information presentation both influence the speed at which you can comprehend the material.

An effective approach to address this hazing difficulty is to tackle each book by focusing on one chapter at a time. This will provide you with an attainable objective to concentrate on and guarantee that you do not become overwhelmed by the reading material.

     2. Fatiguing Iterations of Review

The process of obtaining a Master's or PhD typically involves conducting extensive research over a period of several years, followed by rigorous revision cycles that can span several months. This is the most arduous aspect of the Master's and PhD programmes. A significant number of students are unable to complete their research projects as a result of rigorous review procedures. Students must diligently engage in their thesis work on a daily basis, regardless of their emotional or mental disposition for writing. 

Unbeknownst to them, they are experiencing academic hazing, particularly throughout these revision cycles, due to their supervisors' failure to provide adequate input on their thesis. Consequently, there is a substantial attrition rate among doctoral candidates, occurring in both the initial and subsequent years.

     3. Supervisor's Act of Humiliation

The process of completing a Master's or PhD is often fraught with challenges, and it is probable that at some stage you may experience feelings of humiliation from your supervisors. Master's or PhD students are typically perceived as a significant source of inconvenience by their supervisors, resulting in neglect and lack of support.  Their managers or superiors frequently make disparaging comments that can cause them to question their own ability. Consequently, even the most harmful student-supervisor interactions can persist well beyond the point of dysfunction, leading to the student experiencing mental health problems as a result of this form of academic hazing.

Occasionally, the primary catalyst for one's desire to abandon their Master's or Ph.D. studies may be their supervisor. They possess the ability to subject you to humiliation in the presence of others, disregard your work, and exhibit apathy when you bring the matter to the attention of the institution. The issue lies in the fact that despite their inadequate performance, it is not feasible to dismiss them due to the unavailability of an alternative supervisor who meets your specific requirements.

     4. Persistent Denials

Upon the successful completion of your thesis, the subsequent phase becomes even more arduous. Indeed, as you correctly surmised, the task at hand involves obtaining the approval of your thesis by your supervisor and review committee. The recurrent denials from the supervisor throughout a Master's or PhD programme are a prevalent difficulty faced by all Master's and PhD candidates and are frequently seen as a form of academic hazing. It is a prevalent dread among the applicants. Even under the most dire circumstances, experiencing rejection will not be significant if you acquire the ability to recover from failure.

However, when it comes to conducting research, the fear of failure is highly warranted. Failure entails the consequence of your written work going unread and your supervisor remaining unaware of your lack of expertise. There is no more distressing sensation than realising that all of your efforts have been wasted in vain. While this phenomenon may be inevitable in certain situations, it can be surmounted by perseverance. 

     5. Disparities in Education Based on Race

Pursuing a scholarship may be a demanding and fiercely competitive endeavour, particularly for individuals who are very talented or accomplished. Minority scholars, specifically, encounter a more demanding academic setting, many departing without access to adequate mental health assistance. This holds true in the majority of higher education institutions around the United States. 

Minority students are required to achieve greater grades and SAT scores compared to their counterparts, in addition to facing prejudices and microaggressions throughout their doctoral studies. This is an extremely unfair type of academic initiation that occurs at nearly every school and needs to be corrected as a top priority in order to ensure equal educational opportunities for all individuals. 

(Willis, Malachi Bridges; Ana J. Jozkowski; Kristen N, 2021) discovered gender discrepancies among those with Masters or PhDs and racial/ethnic differences among graduate students. Female Master's and PhD holders and graduate students of colour reported a lower number of publications and were less likely to be involved in the scientific-review process compared to male Master's and PhD holders and White graduate students, respectively.

In conclusion

Hazing is totally unacceptable, and it is imperative that all individuals comprehend this fact. To mitigate hazing in graduate school, it is crucial to actively denounce and report any instances of it that you witness. It is crucial to have knowledge of the indicators of hazing prior to it escalating into an issue. Please feel free to share your experiences or ideas in the comment box below. By doing so, we can assist others in avoiding similar pitfalls.

Discover assistance through personalised coaching and mentorship sessions. 

HAMNIC Solutions has created a personalised coaching and mentorship programme that offers assistance with dissertation writing as well as mindfulness sessions designed to alleviate anxiety and counteract the psychological impact of the Master's and PhD processes. Our research coaches lead the mindful coaching sessions, which will provide you with transferable skills to effectively manage anxiety and stress in your daily life. We will eliminate all unconscious barriers that hinder you from reaching your full potential, allowing you to complete your dissertation with self-assurance.

Please visit our website here to access a wide range of free resources, research templates, and guidelines. If you ever Comprehensive research guidance and project support in writing your research project, review journal, article, or dissertation, our team of professionals is always ready to guide you through your research journey.


  1. Mandal, Ananya (2019). PhDs riddled with more stress than students can handle says study. Retrieved from:

  2. Willis, M., Bridges, A. J., & Jozkowski, K. N. (2021). Gender and racial/ethnic disparities in rates of publishing and inclusion in scientific-review processes. Translational Issues in Psychological Science. Advance online publication.

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