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Addressing Academic Burnout


When it comes to juggling personal, work and academic life, there may be some difficulties doing so. In many cases when going through the journey of higher education, the process of conducting research and submitting papers may seem over-bearing and shadow all other aspects of the student's life. 

Managing the demands of personal, work, and academic life can provide challenges. During the pursuit of higher education, the task of conducting research and producing papers can often feel overwhelming and dominate the student's life. Exhibiting diligent effort and unwavering commitment are crucial attributes to possess, not just for achieving academic achievement, but also for excelling in other facets of life. 

However, what are the consequences when a someone exerts excessive effort or devotes an excessive amount of time to their academic pursuits? This would result in adverse impacts on both the cognitive and physical well-being, contributing to the decline of overall health. In this scenario, the student can be experiencing academic exhaustion. 

Analysing the phenomenon of burnout

To have a genuine comprehension of the emotions associated with being overwhelmed by work, one must acknowledge the essence of burnout - a state of extreme fatigue combined with reduced effectiveness resulting from excessive workload. Contrary to popular belief, burnout can occur not only when one is engaged in unenjoyable employment, but also in other situations. It can sneak up on an individual who is highly enthusiastic about their studies and finds pleasure in the tasks they are accomplishing. When burdened with an overwhelming workload, regardless of its nature, one may have insomnia and get acquainted with the impending presence of anxiety. 

Strategies for Overcoming

Fortunately, burnout, despite its seemingly endless nature, is definitely not permanent. By altering one's mentality and modifying behaviours, it is possible to make an overwhelming workload more bearable. It is crucial for the student to acknowledge that prioritising perfectionism is not as advantageous as it may appear. 

Devoting an inordinate amount of time to exact detail may impede their work rather than enhance it. One effective strategy for managing stress related to academic studies is for students to establish and achieve small goals, which can boost their sense of accomplishment and pride. Solely concentrating on ambitious long-term objectives might lead to mental exhaustion. 

"Examining the impact of stress on the brain and body reveals intriguing findings. Initially, a certain level of stress can enhance performance to some extent. However, there is a critical threshold beyond which excessive stress becomes detrimental and leads to a decline in productivity." Catherine Hambley, a doctorate holder in organisational psychology, is located in Monterey, CA.

The tenacity that accompanies diligent effort is a commendable attribute to possess and is highly likely to result in success in one's life. However, if someone is excessively burdened with work, they may start to exhibit symptoms of burnout. To safeguard one's mental well-being, it is crucial to practise mindfulness and be attuned to the bodily and mental manifestations of stress.  

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