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A Comprehensive Guide to Navigating Academic Hazing While Pursuing a Master's or Ph.D.


As an undergraduate, you probably thought that the hazing process was quite simple. You'd get picked on by your professors and peers for a few weeks or months, then graduate with the rest of your class. But that's not exactly how it works at grad school. When you're in grad school, everyone around you is just as smart and competitive as you are. 

As an undergraduate, you likely perceived the hazing process as straightforward. You would experience ridicule from both your teachers and peers for a period of several weeks or months, but ultimately you would still graduate with your classmates. However, that is not precisely the operational mechanism at the graduate school level. In graduate school, the individuals in your vicinity possess comparable intelligence and exhibit a similar level of competitiveness as yourself. 

Furthermore, in order to avoid being left behind, there is absolutely no tolerance for laziness or a careless approach. Failure to meet the demands of your thesis and supervisor could lead to academic hazing, causing a delay in graduation and an overwhelming workload.

In a study conducted by Mandal (2019), it was found that 20 percent of the 5,700 Master's or Ph.D. students surveyed reported feeling "overwhelmed" by their coursework and research, resulting in increased levels of stress and anxiety.

Strategies for Enduring Academic Hazing

Congratulations, you have been admitted to the graduate programme that you have always aspired to join. Currently, you must endure academic hazing from both your peers and professors. Here are some strategies for successfully completing your Master's or Ph.D. without negatively impacting your GPA or mental well-being!

     1. Establish explicit academic objectives

Embarking on a Master's or Ph.D. programme without establishing explicit academic objectives entails significant risk and presents a formidable challenge. Without a well-defined objective for your Master's or Ph.D., it is possible for others, such as your supervisor or more experienced colleagues, to lead you astray and manipulate the focus of your study to suit their own interests. 

To prevent being a target of academic hazing, it is advisable to establish explicit academic objectives during the initial phases of your Master's or Ph.D. programme by adhering to the following suggestions.

  • Identify the main concepts in your study proposal. Prioritise having a distinct understanding of the key aspects of your work, as these will serve as the central theme of your report.
  • Document all of your research inquiries, ensuring that they are pertinent to the fundamental concepts.
  • Generate a comprehensive inventory of all the elements you intend to incorporate into your article, encompassing methodologies, findings, and deliberations. Do not concern yourself with the manner in which you will present the information; simply focus on transferring it into paper.

     2. Give priority to your career objectives.

Master's or Ph.D. programme encompasses more than mere coursework and research. It also pertains to the academic trajectory that one establishes for oneself. The majority of researchers who experience academic hazing throughout their Master's or Ph.D. are those who lack a distinct career purpose, making them susceptible to manipulation by others. 

In order to prevent such a predicament, establish a comprehensive strategy for your post-graduation aspirations. There are other factors that must be taken into account, such as publications, conferences, workshops, teaching experience, and other related considerations. Conducting prior research on these matters may initially appear daunting, but it will ultimately assist you in preventing future complications. 

The following references were cited: Boud & Lee (2009), Cryer (2003), Dunleavy (2003), Evans & Kamler (2005), Golde (2007), Philips & Pugh (2003), and Taylor & Beasley (2005). The supervision of a Master's or Ph.D. thesis involves unique characteristics and adopts a student-centered approach, which differs from the concept of efficient supervision.

     3. Choose your supervisor. Prudently

During your tenure as a Master's or Ph.D. student, you will be assigned multiple supervisors, each specialising in a certain aspect of your research. Initially, they will all appear quite alike. Over time, you will personally observe and evaluate their strengths and flaws.

As a Master's or Ph.D. student, it is crucial to select a supervisor who aligns with your requirements, considering your ongoing contemplation of progress and future job prospects. This refers to a supervisor that not only understands and agrees with your goals for your Master's or Ph.D. dissertation, but also provides assistance and guidance to you throughout your academic journey. A supervisor with such qualities is significantly less inclined to engage in academic hazing, as they would possess a comprehensive understanding of your academic requirements. An amicable relationship with your supervisor serves as the fundamental basis for all other components of your research and thesis.

     4. Schedule regular meetings with your supervisor.

Regularly meeting with your supervisor is essential when getting a Master's or Ph.D. in order to protect oneself from academic hazing. Indeed, the frequency of meetings serves as a reliable indicator of one's progress in their Master's or Ph.D. studies and reduces the likelihood of experiencing academic hazing. 

If you are only having a meeting once a month, it indicates that you are not adhering to the programme correctly. Consequently, your supervisor may prolong the approval of your thesis because you have not followed up adequately. Conversely, if you have frequent meetings, either daily or weekly, it indicates significant progress, and you can anticipate submitting your dissertation proposal within two months.

     5. Strategize, Coordinate, and Implement

Master's or Ph.D. programmes are commonly associated with a demanding routine of study, experiments, and writing. Indeed, the process of planning a Master's or Ph.D. involves more than just drafting a proposal and securing a supervisor. Developing a thesis plan is a challenging task. Regardless of one's familiarity with the subject matter, crafting a commendable thesis necessitates a substantial investment of time and exertion. 

To successfully complete your task, you must engage in extensive research, meticulously structure your thoughts, and produce a written document that meets the approval of your adviser and committee members. The entire procedure appears to resemble a form of academic hazing, where one's endeavours are consistently undermined and one is compelled to repeat the same cycle repeatedly.

Creating a meticulously devised timetable will assist you in monitoring your advancement and effortlessly completing the assignment without encountering any obstacles in the midst of your thesis. Determine the methodology and equipment you will employ to accomplish your objectives in conducting the experiment. Engage in a discussion with your supervisor and obtain their approval. By establishing the direction of your research in advance, both you and your supervisors will have a clear understanding of the intended path. This proactive approach will significantly reduce the likelihood of encountering any form of hazing or mistreatment. 

     6. Consult a professional

Master's or Ph.D. students frequently exert excessive effort and may have challenges in attending to their own well-being or the needs of their families. They may be experiencing insufficient sleep or an inability to engage in physical activity. This leads to stress, which can have a negative impact on their productivity. 

As per Cheeky Scientist (2020), experiencing stress and anxiety is not a sign of weakness, but rather a medical issue that requires assistance.

They may be inclined to believe that they must handle all tasks alone, which is the primary cause of their academic confusion. Nevertheless, it is crucial for Ph.D. students to make full use of the resources at their disposal, including seeking professional assistance when necessary.

Ph.D. students may have several motivations for seeking professional assistance, which can generally be categorised into two groups.

  • To enhance proficiency in particular abilities that are not being sufficiently instructed by supervisors or peers.
  • In order to provide you with the additional surge of self-assurance necessary to successfully complete your thesis.

HAMNIC Solutions is a comprehensive platform that offers a wide range of professional assistance, such as Dissertation Editing, Data Analysis, Mentorship, and Coaching, to scholars. This eliminates the need for scholars to excessively burden themselves in order to obtain their degree.

     7. Seek assistance from the academic experts.

Engaging in a doctoral coaching programme and participating in 1-on-1 coaching and mentorship programmes can provide valuable opportunities for exposure and help prevent experiences of academic hazing during the Ph.D. journey. 

They are especially beneficial while you are in a period of unemployment or during a change, since they provide an opportunity for you to work on your dissertation and maintain your writing proficiency. These programmes can assist in determining your professional trajectory by identifying research fields, skill sets, and networking opportunities, while also reducing the likelihood of experiencing hazing.

Now you may be contemplating the location of such an exceptional programme. If that is the case, then here is one that is well suited for you:

HAMNIC Solutions offers professional editing mentorship and coaching programmes. 

In conclusion

Entering a new workplace, particularly one where the majority of people have been there since their first year, may be an anxiety-inducing experience. Our comprehensive manual on navigating academic hazing will provide you with innovative strategies to successfully navigate your Master's or Ph.D. journey, while steering clear of the pitfalls that other individuals have encountered in the past. 

Discover assistance through personalised coaching and mentorship sessions. 

HAMNIC Solutions offers a personalised coaching and mentorship programme that encompasses dissertation writing assistance as well as mindset sessions aimed at counteracting the psychological impact of the doctoral process. These sessions promote mental clarity, profound relaxation, and concentration, enabling you to write your dissertation effectively and overcome any subconscious obstacles. If you have any inquiries or need any other form of aid, feel free to post a remark below or contact us.

Please visit our website here to access a wide range of free resources, research templates, and guidelines. If you ever Comprehensive research guidance and project support in writing your research project, review journal, article, or dissertation, our team of professionals is always ready to guide you through your research journey.

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