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Color can be defined as the visual perceptual property that corresponds in humans to different categories which are sensitive to the light receptors. Colors do affect college students moods in different ways. Here are five ways in which color affects the moods of college students:

1). Colors evoke higher arousal emotions such as anger, passion, and happiness. You can use colors to evoke feelings of happiness, optimism and energy, passion and love, anger and danger.

2). Colors trigger human moods such as sadness, indifference, and sadness. This may be associated with the temperature and the environment where we are in. Color changes people’s mood swings by producing certain chemicals that stimulate different feelings like hunger and stimulation of appetite.

3). Color is a powerful tool of communication that can be used to signal certain actions, influence, or convey a certain message. The colors we use will also influence our decisions and particularly in the consumption of items.

4). Color portrays human characters and behavior patterns, and this is why it's used for marketing purposes. It is also used for branding and cross-cultural campaigns. We can use colors to increase our appetite for our tastes in life and food.

5). Colors also influence how we perceive other people and how they perceive us. This is mainly reflected in the clothes we wear, for example, wearing black clothes symbolizes power, strength, and authority.

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