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12 Ways to be more productive at home


Life is about progression and development, but for you to move on it is important to know how to be productive at home. Here are some 12 Ways to be more productive at home:

1. Structure your day promptly: The first thing you do in structuring your day is to schedule your work on what you ought to do from morning till evening.

2. Have a consistent morning routine that sets you up for the rest of the day, this will stop you from getting sidetracked from your work arrangements. 

3. Have a designated place of work or workspace to enable you to complete your work-related tasks effectively in time as a way of increasing productivity.

4. Set yourself goals to help you focus your mind on the daily tasks to stay motivated 

5. Sign off and out from work station by taking time off.

6. Learn to save some money along the way and that way become independent 

7. Listen to music to make you relax 

8. Set reminders or alarms to remind you of what you need to do in life, to make you live a healthy lifestyle and be productive. 

9. Make use of face-to-face conversation with friends especially when you are working from home while taking advantage of contemporary technological advancements such as zoom, what apps, and skype.

10 Find your peak times when you are most productive, either morning, day time, or evening or night shift.

11. You must find the inner Zen, which is practicing the art of mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and tension.  

12. Get some fresh air by taking a walk around to refresh the mind.

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