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10 Ways to Get Your Study Back on Track for the Fall Semester


Why do students become lazy and experience post-holiday blues after summer vacation? Students get used to the long holidays, so it's difficult for them to pull themselves out of their comfort zones and begin to study again. 

We have come up with a few helpful tips that can help students to get back into proper study habits. These tips can help students achieve their goals and ambitions in the subsequent semester.

1. Set study goals for the upcoming semester

2. Avoid procrastination at all costs

3. Learn new technologies and use apps to help you study

4. Make detailed and orderly study notes

5. Take regular breaks and maintain a healthy lifestyle

6. Improve your memory

7. Ask your school for assistance with any academic matter

8. Collaborate with your classmates and tutors

9. Create a conducive study environment at home

10. Motivate yourself constantly and stay positive no matter what

Do you have any other handy suggestions? Feel free to share them in the comments below.

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