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10 Tips for professors dealing with in class cell phone usage


It’s important to understand and
appreciate that digital technology has become an integral part of human life
and development, and the pursuit of academic and professional development.
However, Cell phones have become vital gadgets for communication and social
interaction, but their usage has become somewhat a subject of controversy in
social spaces. The usage of mobile devices in public spaces become a matter of
nuisance due to misuse. This has caused institutions and organizations
including universities and college to put restrictions on the usage of cell
phone within their premises. Cells are have become distractive that students
are now restricted on how to use them in college areas.

It’s important to understand and
appreciate that digital technology has become an integral part of human life
and development, and the pursuit of academic and professional development.
However, Cell phones have become vital gadgets for communication and social
interaction, but their usage has become somewhat a subject of controversy in
social spaces. The usage of mobile devices in public spaces become a matter of
nuisance due to misuse. This has caused institutions and organizations
including universities and college to put restrictions on the usage of cell
phone within their premises. Cells are have become distractive that students
are now restricted on how to use them in college areas.


Here are the 10 tips for professors
to utilize in regard to managing the in class cell phone usage today:

1). To monitoring the use of the
cell phone in classroom session by putting the gadgets on mute mode

2). To make use of the gadgets for
educational purposes, such as sending important course information and feedback
between the professor and students.

3. If the students must use the
cellphones while in class, then they must utilize the headphones, Bluetooth
speakers and cordless buds to minimize the occurrence of noise.

4). There are times when the
students may want to use their cell phones as calculator caddies, and in that case
they are advised to put them off or into airplane mode and can be retrieved at
the end of the class session.

5). There is need to put up a policy
agreement between students and parents in terms of expectations and consequence
if these agreements are not adhered to.

6). There must be some enforcement
measures such as regulations and legal ramifications to be forced by the

7). It’s imperative to link students with educational Apps as a tool of
engagement and for professional development, that way it will not cause


8). If you feel that the cellphones are causing distractions, then you
can take them away at any time.

9). If the cell phones are to be
used in class for educational purposes, then the professor should move around
the classroom and monitor what the students are doing and make sure they are
used as expected.

10). Give them time to have a break
and rest in between sessions.




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